Advance Planning

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  • Illness

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How to Have “The” Conversation

At some point in our lives, most of us will become unable to speak for ourselves. That’s when doctors will turn to our loved ones. Yet our loved ones won’t...

Four Steps for Planning Ahead

Four Steps for Planning Ahead If you’re in a medical emergency and unable to speak for yourself, will your family know what to do? Will they know if you want...

Risa Hanau Presents Advance Care Planning Workshop

March 22, 2016 (GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA)—Health care professionals are invited to attend an advance care planning workshop led by Risa Hanau, vice president of clinical services at Hospice and Palliative...

Don’t Wait to Talk about Hospice

It’s an all too common situation. A family is at the bedside of a loved one who is seriously ill and nearing the end of life. Each member of the...

Being Mortal Offers Guidance for Families Facing Serious Illness

“As our time winds down, we all seek comfort in simple pleasures,” Atul Gawande writes in his bestseller, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, “companionship, everyday routines, the...

Making End-of-Life Wishes Known

Planning ahead for accidents or serious illnesses is important for all adults—young and old—in case they are ever unable to speak for themselves. An advance directive is the best way...

Hiring In-Home Help

Most family caregivers reach a point when they realize they need help at home. Tell-tale signs include recognizing that your loved one requires constant supervision or assistance with everyday activities....

Tips for Planning Ahead

It is important to make informed decisions about end-of-life care choices. If you haven’t done so already, call us to schedule a tour of our facility. We will provide you...

Relocation: Having a Parent Move in with You

As adults age, they may need more help caring for their home and themselves. Have you prepared a plan in the event that your widowed parent may need to move...

Seniors and Driving: When to Start Driving Your Parents to Appointments

For seniors, driving is a sign of freedom. They can come and go as they please, and not have to depend on others for transportation. As your parent’s caregiver, you...