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Talking to Children about Serious Illness

Five Myths, Debunked When there is a serious illness in the family, children need to trust the adults in their family more than ever. Changes can be confusing, from the...

Helping Your Seriously Ill Loved One Through Difficult Emotions

As your loved one progresses through a serious illness, it’s only natural that he or she will face difficult emotions: fear, anger, sadness and much more. Yet not all people...

When They Won’t Eat

Hospice patients often have changing patterns of eating and drinking. We think of food as much more than fuel. We think of it as comfort, enjoyment and protection. We also...

End stage colon cancer becomes even more tragic without hospice

Mike was a runner, outdoors-man, and fitness nut he even had a program for a science based six pack he got online. This was not so much as for health...

When Someone You Know Has Cancer

When times get tough for friends, family, and co-workers, you naturally want to help in any way you can. Usually all you need to do is provide a sympathetic ear...