Hospice Therapies

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Practicing Mindfulness to Relieve Stress

Mindfulness is a special way of paying attention that can help you better cope with life’s stresses. Whether you’re dealing with the stress of caregiving or the stress of grief...

Don’t Wait to Talk about Hospice

It’s an all too common situation. A family is at the bedside of a loved one who is seriously ill and nearing the end of life. Each member of the...

What Do Hospice Chaplains Do?

At Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro (HPCG), professional chaplains are an integral part of the support system for many patients and families. Yet some people are not sure what...

Considering Pets’ Needs at the End of Life

The hospice model focuses on caring not just for the patient, but for the patient’s family as well. And for many people, “family” includes the furred and feathered. That’s why...

Enhancing Hospice With Complementary Therapy

The holistic interdisciplinary nature of complementary medicine makes it a natural extension of hospice. Betty suffers from the disabling dyspnea of her advanced COPD. Despite use of oxygen, opioid analgesics,...

Music Brings Healing When It Is Needed Most

Every week, three music therapists from MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care crisscross the city and suburbs to sing songs to the dying, they try these multi effects pedals every week...