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Dementia Part 2 | How & Where to Proved Care for the Person with Dementia & Their Caregivers

Understanding comes from knowing. Many patients, families and caregivers have questions about cognitive and physical changes that may take place during a dementia diagnosis. This webinar will provide information on how to talk about those changes, including where care can be provided and the support that is available for the person with dementia and the caregiver.

Dementia Part 1 | Resources, Education and Advocacy

Understanding comes from knowing. Many patients, families and caregivers have questions and concerns about how to best navigate a Dementia diagnosis and ongoing care. This webinar will provide information resources, education and advocacy opportunities that are available and how to access them.

Beyond the Casserole | How to Truly Support a Grieving Person

After a loss, a casserole delivered to a grieving family can be a comforting gesture. However, many of us want to support our grieving friends and family on a deeper level, but we do not know-how. Social distancing makes meaningful connection even more challenging. While grief support is not easy, it can be simple. Join us for this Power of Knowing presentation to learn concrete ways to support those who have experienced a loss.

Risks & Resources when Caring for Veterans

Veterans have made tremendous sacrifices on our behalf. At AuthoraCare Collective we believe it is never too late to thank a veteran for their service. We participate in the national We Honor Veterans program which includes raising awareness of the needs of veterans in our community.

Making Your Story Known

Telling our story includes sharing it with others so it can be known and respected, especially at times of illness and death. While many people know what they would like their care to look like, or how their estate to be handled, far fewer people complete the needed conversations and documents to ensure that wishes are respected. Underserved or disenfranchised members of the community are even less likely to complete this planning.

Is My Child Grieving Normally?

Children tend to respond to death very differently from their adult family members. Kids Path counselors often receive questions from parents and caregivers who are worried about how their child is coping with a recent loss.

The COVID-19 Vaccine

Understanding comes from knowing. There is a lot of talk about the COVID-19 vaccines. Many have questions, concerns and doubts about their safety, effectiveness and whether or not to even get one. For communities of color, historic events intensify these concerns. This webinar will explore some of the commonly heard questions and concerns raised by community members and will provide answers from local healthcare experts. Anyone considering the vaccines or wanting to know how to access one will benefit from this program.

Healing Hearts

Many are dealing with “our hearts hurting” due to the loss and grief that has been experienced over the past year. Because of the length of the pandemic and the ongoing losses, it has been difficult for many adults and children to grieve and to memorialize our loved ones in the way we are used to. We will talk about how to understand what we are experiencing and what we can do about it.

Giving Thanks

November is Hospice and Palliative Care month, National Family Caregiver Month and the start of the holiday season. The holiday season can bring many challenges and much for us to be grateful for, especially during this time of COVID-19. We will learn about the services of AuthoraCare Collective, when the time might be right for a referral to services and how caregivers can receive needed support.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Teens

Understanding comes from knowing, which is why AuthoraCare Collective and the Alamance-Burlington School System have partnered to present an informative webinar on helping children and teens cope with the pandemic.