Greensboro Meeting Space | AuthoraCare back top top

Meeting Space

AuthoraCare Collective’s Lusk Center, located in Greensboro, has meeting space that community groups can reserve for meetings and events.

Meeting Room


Regular Business Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Guidelines for Use

Organizations requesting use of a room should consider the following:

1. Maintenance fee, payable to AuthoraCare Collective
2. The organization should be a recognized professional or community group
3. Rooms may not be used for the following purposes unless approved by the president and CEO of AuthoraCare:

  • Selling or fundraising
  • Recurring meetings, such as monthly or weekly meetings
  • Partisan purposes

4. Routine meetings of AuthoraCare Collective take precedence over guest organizations
5. Based on availability, the rooms may be reserved for a maximum of two consecutive days
6. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted
7. The AuthoraCare campus is tobacco-free, including e-cigarettes


Please contact us to learn more about requesting use of a room.

Space Description Capacity Maintenance Fee
Lusk Center Training Room 1 (Cap.50) $125
Lusk Center Training Room 2 (Cap.50) $125
Lusk Center Conference Room (Cap. 20) $50
Lusk Center Board Room (Cap. 24) $75

Note: Lusk Center Training Rooms 1 and 2 have a movable partition that can be opened to create one large meeting space for 100. Each room’s capacity is calculated based on the standard room setup. Different configurations may cause capacity to vary.