Tag Archive: coping

Grief: What to Expect and What Can Help

In the early days after the loss of a loved one, life can feel overwhelming and disorienting. This hourlong program is designed to help newly grieving persons gain a better...

How to Talk to Children about Pet Loss

By Tracy Hart, LCMHC For many children, their first experience with mortality is the death of a pet. Families are often unsure about the correct way to handle this situation...

How to Talk to Children and Teens about Suicide Loss

It can feel daunting to explain suicide to a child, particularly if you are already coping with confusion and shock. The following are tips about how to discuss this type...

Dealing With Your Loved One’s Belongings

Sorting a lifetime’s worth of someone else’s belongings is a task difficult on its own, but with the added emotional burden of grief, it might seem entirely impossible. Of course,...

How to Communicate with your Grieving Teen

  Adolescence can be an exciting time of self-discovery and identity development. However, as adolescents seek more independence, families may find this time filled with disagreements and periods of irritability...

What’s going to happen next? Grappling With the Unknowns of Illness, Death and Dying

Some things that are comforting: control, knowledge, predictability and routine. Some things that are uncomfortable: lack of control, the unknown, unpredictability and chaos. When faced with a serious illness, having...

Helping Kids Talk About “Big Feelings”

Losing a loved one or coping with serious illness can be stressful for children, particularly those too young to effectively express emotions using words. Children may feel confused about experiencing...

Should My Child Attend the Funeral?

Kids Path counselors are often asked, “Is it a good idea for my child to attend our loved one’s funeral or memorial service?” Our response to this question varies because...

Supporting a Bereaved Person through Traumatic Loss

In the wake of a sudden, unexpected or otherwise traumatic loss, effectively supporting a bereaved person can seem difficult or even impossible. People who lose a loved one in such...

Finding Your “New Normal” After a Loss

When will life go back to normal? When will I stop randomly crying? When will I have my energy back? When will I feel like going out again? When will...