Tag Archive: grieving for children


Children, Grief and the Holidays

The holidays are a difficult time for anyone who has experienced a loss. Children, who grow up thinking of the holidays as a magical and happy time, may have particular...

Helping Kids Talk About “Big Feelings”

Losing a loved one or coping with serious illness can be stressful for children, particularly those too young to effectively express emotions using words. Children may feel confused about experiencing...

Should My Child Attend the Funeral?

Kids Path counselors are often asked, “Is it a good idea for my child to attend our loved one’s funeral or memorial service?” Our response to this question varies because...

Staying Connected After a Loss

Every loss is different. But whether it’s sudden or expected, peaceful or turbulent, an acquaintance or a close relative, all losses have something in common: there’s always more to say....

Teens Grieve Differently: What You Need to Know

Teenagers are in a time of transition between adulthood and childhood as they gain skills to navigate academic responsibilities, peer relationships and changing family roles. When a significant loss occurs,...

Five Things to Know About The Grieving Teen

Adolescence is always difficult, but adding a loved one’s serious illness into the mix can make this time even more complicated. The needs of a grieving teenager are unique and...

Talking with Children about Tragic Death

Sudden, tragic loss such as death due to homicide, suicide, or accident presents a difficult situation for caregivers. Adults are often tempted to protect children from the harsh reality of...