Tag Archive: Open Communication


How to Communicate with your Grieving Teen

  Adolescence can be an exciting time of self-discovery and identity development. However, as adolescents seek more independence, families may find this time filled with disagreements and periods of irritability...

Hospice Care: Dealing with Family Conflict

When a loved one has a serious illness, it is natural for family to gather to spend time together and provide support. Family dynamics are complex and unique. However, the...

Should My Child Attend the Funeral?

Kids Path counselors are often asked, “Is it a good idea for my child to attend our loved one’s funeral or memorial service?” Our response to this question varies because...

Teens Grieve Differently: What You Need to Know

Teenagers are in a time of transition between adulthood and childhood as they gain skills to navigate academic responsibilities, peer relationships and changing family roles. When a significant loss occurs,...

When Your Loved One With Dementia Acts Aggressively

Hitting, pinching, scratching, hair-pulling, biting, threatening, shouting and swearing are just a few of the aggressive behaviors a person with dementia might display. Have you struggled with any of these...

Caregiving and Facebook

Facebook is a popular social media tool for connecting with others. Increasingly, people are also using Facebook to keep friends and family updated on a loved one’s health care journey...

How To Support a Friend Who Is Grieving

Marina Mails, NCC, LPC Bereavement Counselor II It seems that most of us are nervous when talking about a recent death and the pain of grief that follows. Social interaction...

How To Talk and Listen to Your Child

Kids Path Bereavement Counselor Get your child to open up. Nothing is more important in your relationship with your child than effective, open communication. Talk to your child, listen to...