May 10, 2024

Thriving Under Pressure Part One How to Manage Stress as a CaregiverAdvance Care Planning – How to Share What Gives Your Life Meaning

Thriving Under Pressure Part One How to Manage Stress as a CaregiverAdvance Care Planning – How to Share What Gives Your Life Meaning

Understanding comes from knowing. Caregiving can be quite challenging. “Thriving Under Pressure” is a
three-part webinar series that will explore the many facets of caregiving. Part one on May 9 will discuss ways
caregivers can recognize and manage the stress this important role can bring, empowering the caregiver to
be their best for those they are providing care for.

Watch the Webinar On-Demand

Webinar Recording | Originally Aired May 09, 2024

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to be more aware of your feelings and attitudes in the caregiver role.
  • Learn about identifying what is in your control as a caregiver and what is not..
  • Learn how “responding” instead of “reacting” can help reduce the stress of caregiving.

Meet Our Panelist

Pete Barusic, PT, CWDS, ELI-MP

Pete Barusic is Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist at In Between Seasons Coaching. With over three decades of experience as a Physical Therapist (PT), Pete is dedicated to enhancing the physical well-being of others across various settings, including rehabilitation, private practice, and home health care. Pete has had the true privilege of making a direct impact on countless patients’ lives.
In 2023, his journey took a profound turn as he transitioned to become a certified life coach and founded “In Between Seasons Coaching.” This shift was inspired by personal experiences in caregiving, including supporting his parents, providing in-home care for a family friend in her end-of-life journey, and assisting his wife during her battle with breast cancer.
These experiences underscored the importance of holistic support systems and the necessity of a comprehensive approach to well-being. Drawing from his dual roles as a health care professional and caregiver, he is deeply passionate about fostering authentic dialogues and equipping others with practical tools to navigate adversity with resilience.

Meet Our Moderator

Risa Hanau, LCSW is the Clinical and Community Educator at AuthoraCare Collective. Risa is a seasoned presenter and teacher in the area of end-of-life and ethics. She is a member of the Cone Health Ethics Committee. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker by training and holds a Master of Social Work from The University of Pennsylvania.